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3 Tips To Sell Art Online

Even if you’ve never sold art before.

So you’re looking to sell art online? You’re not alone. Traditionally, artists make the majority of their income through events. It’s no understatement that the age of social distancing has devastated the art world – especially the convention scene.

Most artists know that events like comic cons, farmers markets, and art galleries aren’t the only way to make money. Problem is, most artists lack the online brand presence necessary to make a sustainable income.

My hope is that at least 1 if these tips can help my fellow artists brave the transition to sell art online and bravely tackle posting on social media.

1. Choose an online store to sell art online.

Upload your images and offer them for sale as prints, posters, stickers, pinable buttons, etc.

If you sell 3D art, consider Etsy.

If you sell 2D art, consider Redbubble, Society6, or Storenvy.

2. Actually use social media to share your art

Too many artists let fear of judgement prevent them from sharing & selling their art online.

The truth is, your art doesn’t have to be ‘perfect’ (whatever perfect is). You just need the right people to be aware of your art.

Need content ideas? People love process videos. Try making some, and be okay with making mistakes – most people are forgiving.

3. Learn from others & pray

The great thing about the art community is how humble, open & transparent it is. There is likely someone who also makes the type of art you make and has sold it before. Follow them on social. Learn from what they done in the past. Notice what their prices are.

Don’t underestimate prayer & self-reflection. There’s no truth in the prosperity gospel, but there is power in submitting your requests to God. Sometimes you’ll realize mistakes you’re making and/or have your next great idea.

What advice would you give an artist who’s sharing on social media for the first time? Share with me on Facebook here.

Interested in seeing my art for reference? Click the button below to view my art portfolio.


Inman, SC 29349, USA
(706) 401-4027


Available by Request. Please direct message on Facebook or Instagram for the quickest response.

Copyright Travis Vaught. All Rights Reserved.